Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cultist and Cast

Then here's a cultist done for our first assignment at the TAD winter workshop, this one was directed by Jason Manley and Paul Steed, everyone gathered together and we put together a sweet post-apocalyptic universe and designed characters to fit in to it. I got the cultist character, which was right up my alley!

And lastly here's a WIP early start of a digital cast painting that I'm doing for fun, cause I love modeling form and digital is much faster than filling in a bazillion tiny holes with charcoal (which I'll do again sometime in the future). Hooray painting!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

figures and characters

And then here's a pastel figuring drawing I did a while back, 3 hour pose. Had fun doing some composing for a change rather than just focusing on the construction of the figure, and I like the way a lot of the values and colors ended up working. Funtiems!

And lastly here's a WIP of a character design for the first assignment here at the workshop, a post-apocalyptic cultist. Having a lot of fun with this one and feeling like it's one of my stronger designs to date, especially in terms of narrative.


Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy new years, everyone! Hope you had an awesome 2011 and are prepping for an even better 2012! It's gonna be an awesome year! :)

And here's the final for that fashion design assignment I posted the WIPs of a while back for our pop culture class, I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out, though the figure drawing's a little weird I like how the design turned out.
