Monday, June 13, 2011

Little Nemo Final

Here's my final Little Nemo comic for Visual Narrative class. The assignment got changed near the end to only having to take one page to final due to pretty much everyone still being in thumbnail stage a week before the deadline. But regardless, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.

Definitely learned a *lot* of stuff I didn't know in that class, it's amazing how much work is required to make a decent comic, not just in crafting the story and the vast amount of drawing, but designing the panels individually, the page as a whole, and the comic as a whole. It's very much structured like you would structure a painting, but on a massive, sequential scale, really mindblowing stuff. I dunno if I have the capacity to do comics or not, but it's definitely something I'd like to explore when I'm not so crushed by deadlines, haha.

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